Sunday, October 27, 2013

P.S. Aeropostale T-shirt contest!

A few weeks ago, I received a big box of paper t-shirts from the clothing store P.S. Aeropostale. They have a t-shirt design competition every year for the past 3 years! I decided to participate and this is what my students have been doing with it!

First, we watched the short videos of last years winners and the year before's. Next, we brained-stormed "What Makes You Smile?" on the board (that's the theme) using a concept map to give students ideas. After that, students sketched a few different designs on sketch paper and then they transferred their favorite design onto their t-shirt provided from Aeropostale! They really liked this project!

The pictures below are of my 1st graders! I'm letting 1-5 do this project.
More pictures to come of the rest of the grades soon! :)

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