Sunday, January 19, 2014

5th grade Radial Name Design

When I was student teaching, my cooperating teacher had this wonderful lesson. With the task of teaching symmetry, I remembered this project. Not all of them turned out like I wanted, but it was definitely a learning process.
First we learned about symmetry, asymmetry, and radial symmetry. With examples of each and a discussion to check for understanding, we started the project. Each student was given an 18x18 piece of paper (in hindsight, next year it will be a smaller paper). They were to fold their paper so that they had eight equal triangles. They had to write their name any way they wanted in one of the triangles (block, bubble, cursive, print) making sure their name touched both the top and bottom of the triangle. I encouraged them to try block or bubble but cursive will give a really cool effect as well. 
Once they had it the way the liked, they had two choices. Use a pencil to transfer the design or use a sharpie to outline the design. Eight times. You can find examples of how to do these on youtube and it is much simpler than me explaining it in writing. :)
Once they were finished, they could color it in. Whatever they did to one triangle, they had to do exactly to all of the triangles for it to have radial or rotational symmetry. They liked the end result but groaned and groaned about how much time it took. 

Some chose to mix up the coloring process. I like the result.

One of my favorties

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