Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kindergarten Line Sculpture

Last week, my sweet little kinders worked on these amazing paper sculptures. Now I got this idea from Cassie Stephen's blog. If you have checked her out, please do! She has some amazing ideas!

I pretty much followed her lesson exactly... :) Which was great, since she gave me such good ideas. It's really wonderful learning to talk to the little ones in words and phrases that they understand.

Here is their finished project!

Friday, November 15, 2013

4th Grade Musical Instruments

Last week, I started working on musical instruments with the 4th graders. They were having a concert at the school with our music teacher so I thought it would be wonderful to have artwork on the walls for the parents when they came to see the show. :) Students looked at pictures of instruments and used oil pastels to draw them! They turned out wonderful. Because of time constraints, some students traced their instruments. They still turned out wonderful!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kindergarten Simple One Day Magic Lines

Last week, I wanted to round up our unit on line and color by having a fun quick lesson. To do this, I introduced the ever-famous crayon resist and watercolors.

White crayon and white paper! Even though I told them it was MAGIC, some of my kinders were skeptical and kept complaining that they couldn't see what they were drawing! :)

I went over the different types of line we see everyday and then some others we might not always see.  Next, they drew many different types of line across their paper using the white crayon. Lastly, they painted over their paper with watercolors. I asked them to cover their entire paper with paint. They LOVED seeing their lines finally appear! :)

Some were more interested in what colors their water was turnings than their art! :)

5th Grade Watercolor Landscapes

For the past few weeks, the 5th graders have been working on these beautiful watercolor paintings. We learned what a silhouette and landscape was first, then sketched out a landscapes. I encouraged them to keep it simple but let them branch out from trees if they wanted. After that, they painted their sky in beautiful watercolors, the color of the sunset or sunrise.They could paint right on top of their pencil drawings.

Next, they used either black tempera paint or sharpie markers to make the silhouettes. Most turned out beautiful!